I'm the most excited I've been in a while right now! After chuch today John and I came home and decided to deep clean our house and boat....so after a few hours of really hard work I sat down to relax and catch up on some blogs I love and needless to say when I saw this one I yelled so loud my dog jumped and my hubs looked at me like I was crazy. OOPS! Sorry guys! Anyway the reason I'm so excited is because Sheridan French...one amazing little designer and a great blog to read too...is doing a giveaway of one of her FABULOUS pieces from her 2011 collection! I have been drooling over this collection for months now and would be beyond ecstatic to be the winner of this giveway! Here are a few of my favorites...

Now seriously, how amazing are these pieces? If you want to be entered to win go to the following link and you can read how to enter (follow her blog, like on facebook, sign up for email newsletters, etc...totally worth it if you're the winner and even if you don't win her blog is worth following!)
Cross your fingers! I know I am!!!
I entered that contest as well! Her clothing is so cute!!