Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sheridan French

I'm the most excited I've been in a while right now! After chuch today John and I came home and decided to deep clean our house and after a few hours of really hard work I sat down to relax and catch up on some blogs I love and needless to say when I saw this one I yelled so loud my dog jumped and my hubs looked at me like I was crazy. OOPS! Sorry guys! Anyway the reason I'm so excited is because Sheridan amazing little designer and a great blog to read doing a giveaway of one of her FABULOUS pieces from her 2011 collection! I have been drooling over this collection for months now and would be beyond ecstatic to be the winner of this giveway! Here are a few of my favorites...

Now seriously, how amazing are these pieces? If you want to be entered to win go to the following link and you can read how to enter (follow her blog, like on facebook, sign up for email newsletters, etc...totally worth it if you're the winner and even if you don't win her blog is worth following!)

Cross your fingers! I know I am!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

happy late fathers day!

I'm a day late...but I have to say that of all holidays Father's Day is one that I appreciate more than most! I'm sad that I didn't get to see my daddy on Father's Day due to the fact that I was out of town and he had to work, but regardless of whether or not I saw him I still celebrated in honor of what an amazing dad I have! My dad and I have been thru A LOT together in our lives and I have to say that besides the fact that he has been an ideal dad he is also one of my favorite people in the whole world! I'm so thankful to say that I speak to him multiple times a day and if I ever have a problem he is always the first person I call. In my 26 years I have learned quite a few things from him and I hope and pray that one day I can be half the parent that he has been to me. So to avoid a long mushy post I will include a few recent pictures of my dad and I and leave it at this. If I had to tell him how much he has meant to me in my life I'm afraid that words could not express these feelings but I will say that I'm a better person because he has been in my life. I thank God for him daily and I truly do not know what my life would have been like without him.

Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

summer veggies!

YAY! It hasn't been a million years and I'm back to try to stay in a routine with this! I swear I'm going to do it! It's been a pretty busy week and I have to say that starting back to school has been tougher than I thought it was going to be. Getting back in the groove of doing all this work is not as easy as you might think! Anyway, I'm done with all the work I had to do this week and I even had enough time to have dinner with hubs, take some pictures and enjoy the afternoon! Doesn't seem like too big a feat I know but after the last few weeks of nose in the books it was a very welcome improvement! anyway.....moving on! Our garden is getting ready to put out some serious veggies and I can't wait!

Here is our garden plot the day we planted it...about six weeks ago

These are our tomato and pepper beds...on the same day

My little farmer! Isn't he so cute! Plus, I have to give credit where credit is due, he truly does 90% of the work! So I can't take credit for much.

And now here is our garden today! Looking pretty good if I do say so myself. Six weeks after putting all our little seeds in the ground and we will soon be harvesting tomatoes, peppers (bell, banana, chili and cayenne), corn (three kinds!), cucumbers, zucchini, squash, eggplant, okra and potatoes! YUMMM! I can't wait!

From right to left: potatoes, cucumber, squash/zucchini, okra, corn

Opposite cornier: This gives a better angle on the corn and eggplant

And last but certainly not least our tomato bed! I'm so excited, one of the main reasons I love summer is because of all of the fresh tomatoes! We have ten different kinds of tomatoes planted and I can't wait to eat them all!!! And the best part is they're all heirloom so we can save the seeds and start our own seedlings next year! This will save us some major $$$ since most good tomato plants run anywhere from $1-$8! Seriously!

Those sad little guys in the back corner are bell pepper plants but not to worry they shoul be shooting up any time!

I can't wait! We should be eating this little one within the week!

As much as I love gardening I have to admit that our garden would not exist without the help of my gardening genius daddy! I swear he knows so much I want to interview him and write a book one day! I hope that one day I can know all he knows about gardening and everything else in the world! He is an amazing man and I am blessed to call him my dad! I guess I should save the mushy father/daughter stuff until next weekend huh? Either way I thank God for him every day!

Sorry to be weird and be so excited about my garden! I guess that's part of living in the country!

Monday, June 6, 2011

it's been a while and Pintrest

Well as I guessed I am not doing a very good job keeping up with this thing! It's been a busy few months so I feel that I have a few good excuses: I started my Masters....and let me just tell you it is kicking my butt! Since I decided to go back to school I have had little time for anything other than school, work, family time and sleep....sorry blog but sleep comes first! Since I have finally caught up on my school work I figured that I should update this and try to get into a routine with it. Anyway...other than the not so fun things that have been consuming my life I have to admit that it hasn't really been all work and no play. We bought our first "family" boat this week! It's so nice (I'll post pictures asap) and we have really been enjoying some well deserved time on the lake! Also, we have been working in our yard trying to finish our back porch and keeping our garden in good shape so we will have some yummy summer veggies! We actually ate our first one tonight....a super tasty sweet banana pepper! Can't wait for more to come! Since I haven't taken the time to upload all of my recent pictures to my computer I'm sad to say that I have no pictures to post. Since I have no pictures to post I'm putting a link to my Pintrest (aka online crack) account! This is a true warning....this think is truly addictive! I have to limit myself to an hour a week otherwise I would do nothing but pin all day! So that said, sign up and follow me!

 You need an invite but after you sign up they should send you your invite in a few days! Seriously I LOVE IT!